It’s Time to Reveal the Truth Behind My First Book

K.B. Bailey
5 min readNov 27, 2022

2,575 Readers and Counting

When I first started self-publishing under a pen name in 2013, it was a very different landscape than it is today. Self-publishing was viewed by many prospective authors as the option of last resort, something that only desperate writers did when they couldn’t find a traditional publisher.

Today, I’m happy to say that has changed dramatically. Self-publishing is now seen as a viable option for many authors. In some cases, it is even the preferred option. This has become the case for me, and it’s why I’m no longer hesitant to share my pen name as a self-published author — and the number of books I’ve sold.

The shift in the general perception of self-publishing has been driven by a number of factors, including the state of the traditional publishing industry, the increasing popularity of e-books, and the relative ease of self-publishing.

Pen Names and My First Book

When I decided to take the plunge and self-publish, I created a pen name for myself: Kathryn B. Butler.

This was based on advice I received from writers who had more experience with publishing than I did. They suggested a traditional publisher would never take me seriously in the future if they found out I’d self-published books.



K.B. Bailey

K.B. Bailey is a freelance and fiction writer who lives in Colorado. Visit or follow @kbwriter24 on social media.